3 thoughts on “Resources

  1. Delighted to find this site , I am currently researching the PIB specifically relating to members serving in New Britain and Bougainville with the Coastwatchers

    I would like to contact any one who may have any information regarding this

    • Apologies for the late reply. As far as I am aware, the PIB did not serve as coastwatchers in New Britain or Bougainville. Prior to 1943, some members of the New Guinea Volunteer Rifles might have had such a role. The PIB did not have any role on the New Guinea side of the border until they reassembled at Garaina in October 1942 at the start of the campaign to retake the northern beaches. My father was OC A Company at that time (and for most of the war).They did act as coastwatchers in the northern beaches area, but that was only one aspect of their role. The PIB later served at Finchshafen, up the Ramu, at Madang and on Bougainville. At the end of the war they rounded up prisoners of war down through the Solomons and performed guard duties in Rabaul.
      Hope this helps

  2. John,
    Apology for the very late reply to your post.
    Our Association has two PIB servicemen alive so I will make attempts to contact them and ask your question.
    I will Email you directly when I have their responses.
    Greg Ivey

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